Golden Elites Schools
Golden Elites School is a private 8-4-4 curriculum Primary school comprising of a reputable Early Childhood Development and Education (E.C.D.E) preschool and a well performing primary school.
Golden Elites School opened its doors in 2002 as a neighborhood Primary in Tom Mboya estate Kisumu offering primary and preschool classes.
We soon outgrew our modest beginnings and in 2005, our primary school classes moved to class 8 where we did our first KCPE and was ranked among the top primary school nationally. Over the years the school has grown in size and population.
We now have three additional branches at different places i.e Golden Elites Premier, Golden Elites Pendeza (Siaya) and Golden Elites TTC.
We have refurbished our facilities over time; modernized our learning resource centre and introduced Smart Classes (Computer lab). This has ensured that our students have access to the best learning and recreational resources.
To be a pillar of excellence with faith in God, equipping the youth to be role models in facing life’s opportunity and challenges
School Motto
Racing to excellence